
2024 Llandow Sprint (8th June): Marshals Required

As we get closer to our first Llandow Sprint on Saturday 8th June it’s time to start asking for marshals to help us run the event.

With that in mind would you be able to support us this year, as at the time of writing we have around 90 entries with more coming in by the day.

As usual we will provide a meal in the on-site café and probably also a bottle of something as a reward.

With continued high fuel costs, I’m sure there will be opportunities to share a lift, and once at the circuit not only do you enjoy the best seat in the house you also get to enjoy that free lunch on us.

If you can spare the time and help out in any way, please contact Chief Marshal Mark Tooth:
07977 416775

We really cannot do this without you.

Picture Credits: Tony Smith